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This module is used to perform or send commands to the IRC server when connecting to the IRC network.

Note: This module can be loaded either as a user module or a network. We recommend loading this as a network module which will allow you to set different perform commands for different networks however, if you would like the same perform commands sent to all your connected networks, you should load this as a user module.

Note²: This module supports Expandable Strings



This module takes no arguments


This module will send perform commands to the IRC server when the bouncer connects to it. Below is a list of commands to manage the list of commands that will be sent.

   /msg *perform add <command>

Adds a command to the list of perform commands to be sent to the server

   /msg *perform del <number>

Delete a perform command from the perform list. (Number can be obtained from list)

   /msg *perform list

List the commands currently on your perform list

   /msg *perform execute

Manually execute all of the commands currently on your perform list

   /msg *perform swap <number> <number>

Swap two perform commands that are in the perform list (for re-ordering purposes)

   /msg *perform help <?search>

Shows the list of available commands for this module with the ability to optionally search for word/phrase in help output.


Below are a few useful examples of how perform can be used

Use with NickServ

This module can be used to regain your nickname and identify with NickServ. See /msg NickServ help identify for the syntax that corresponds to the network you are connected to. Most networks use /msg NickServ identify [username] [password] or /msg NickServ identify [password]. These can be added to perform using the following:

/msg *perform add PRIVMSG NickServ :identify [username] [password]


/msg *perform add PRIVMSG NickServ :identify [password]

It is also possible to use this module in conjunction with the keepnick module to regain your nickname and identify to services. Most networks will have a command such as /msg NickServ RELEASE [username] [password] or /msg NickServ GHOST [username] [password]. This releasing of your nickname can be added to perform using the following:

/msg *perform add PRIVMSG NickServ :release [username] [password]


/msg *perform add PRIVMSG NickServ :ghost [password]

Use with Undernet's X Service

Perform can be used to identify on the Undernet IRC Network. Identifying is usually done by sending the command /msg LOGIN <username> <password>. This can be added to perform using the following command:

/msg *perform add PRIVMSG :LOGIN <username> <password>

Use with Quakenet's Q Service

Perform can be used to identify on the Quakenet IRC Network. Identifying is usually done by sending the command /msg AUTH <username> <password>. This can be added to perform using the following command:

/msg *perform add PRIVMSG :AUTH <username> <password>

Use with GameSurge's Auth Service

Perform can be used to identify on the GameSurge IRC Network. Identifying is usually done by sending the command /msg AUTH <username> <password>. This can be added to perform using the following command:

/msg *perform add PRIVMSG :AUTH <username> <password>

Setting user modes

Perform can be used to set usermodes when you connect to the IRC Server (for example on some networks, setting +R to only allow users registered with services to message you). Lists of user modes can be found for most networks by using /helpop umodes. These modes can be set by using the %nick% Expandable String in the perform command as follows:

/msg *perform add mode %nick% +R

Multiple modes can be specified on one perform, for example:

/msg *perform add mode %nick +iwxR

Opering Up

Perform can be used to login as IRC operator on a network. This is often done using /oper [username] [password] and example can be found below:

/msg *perform add oper [username] [password]

This can also be used in conjunction with the Setting user modes section above to set snomasks after you have opered.

Identifying to other bots/services

Perform can be used to identify to many other bots and services around IRC, for example your own bots, IdleRPG etc... An example of how to send your login command can be found below:

/msg *perform add privmsg [bot name] :login [username] [password]

* Change the command to suit your needs as necessary