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Some features support variable-like strings.

Expand Strings

Variable Value Sample output
%user% Your bouncer username MyUsername
%nick% the current nick that is being used MyNickname
%defnick% the default nick, as specified in the config/web panel MyNickname
%altnick% the alternate nick, as specified in the config/web panel NimNom
%realname% the realname, as specified in the config/web panel Bacon Man
%ident% the ident, as specified in the config/web panel hello
%vhost% The VHost/Bindhost that has been assigned to your account or network
%bindhost% The VHost/Bindhost that has been assigned to your account or network
%time% The current time (can be used for CTCP TIME replies) Mon Jun 15 13:36:08 2020
%uptime% The bouncers uptime 1w 2d 4h 20m 27s
%version% The bouncers version string fBNC - https://bnc4free.com
%bnc% The bouncers name and website, optionally with version,
depending on whether the "Hide version" setting is enabled globally
fBNC - https://bnc4free.com/
%empty% Empty string, can be used e.g. as a poor man's way to insert %nick% literally, without expanding it to the current nick: %ni%empty%ck%.
%network% The name of IRC network as specified in the config/web panel LiberaChat

Features that support expand strings

Expand strings can be used in various places and on some modules. The following is a list of of the modules that accept expand strings.


Expand strings can also be used for:

  • CTCP Replies
  • Quit Messages
  • Realnames